Coronavirus information for the agricultural industry

If you have not heard already, UC Cooperative Extension personnel are working remotely, and all in-person events are canceled or postponed through April 30th. We are still available to help, but many of our diagnostic services are not available right now. Please don’t be afraid to reach out to your farm advisor, we’ll help where we can!

Here are some resources you may find useful. Many of the links come from Kyle Lombardi, who works for US Representative Kevin McCarthy. Some I’ve gleaned from Twitter. Inclusion of a link is intended to provide information only, and not as an endorsement or recommendation for a particular organization (if non-governmental)

English: Español:

Basic information about COVID-19, including how to protect yourself and your family

·         This website can help agriculture producers get updates on USDA actions during the coronavirus emergency, including how to access certain services and programs and local Service Centers.

·         This website has comprehensive information on all USDA announcements and actions related to the coronavirus emergency, as well as detailed FAQs.

·         This website will be updated to provide the latest information related to the H2A visa program and processing of applications.

·         This email is for folks who have questions, concerns, or suggestions about maintaining the food supply chain throughout this current situation.

·         This email is for folks who have questions, concerns, or suggestions about ensuring kids and others have access to food and meals.

·         This email is for folks who have questions, are experiencing problems, or need assistance with getting H2A workers during this coronavirus emergency., en Español:

This organization is offering relief for growers and ranchers that sell directly to consumers (through farmer’s markets, for example) with an annual gross revenue between $10,000 and $1,000,000. Grant applications no longer accepted after April 23

This is an organization that was created in response to the 1980s farm crisis, and they offer help in legal, financial, and mental health matters for growers across the US. You can call (1-800-327-6243 / 1-800-FARM AID) if you are having suicidal thoughts, or are suffering financial or legal stress and don’t know what to do. Farm Aid has compiled a list of COVID 19 resources as well.

Webinar series (on April 1, 8, and 15, pre-register at the above link) for those in the California agricultural industry on dealing with crises.

This webpage has resources for both growers and farmworkers regarding methods for reducing transmission, how to protect yourself and/or your employees

Edited 3/30 to credit the link sources (sorry for forgetting!) and to add more links.

Edited 3/31 to add another link

Phoebe GordonComment