New Pest Management Advisor wants to hear from you!

Hello, my name is Idongesit (Idong) Mokwunye. I am a new UCCE IPM Advisor based at UC Kearney Research and Extension Center, Parlier, CA. In this role, I cover four counties: Madera, Fresno, Kings, and Tulare. To build my entomology-based IPM research and extension program, I am collecting input from people involved in farming, pest management, and allied industries to assess the needs in this area. I appreciate if you can provide your valuable inputs by filling few survey questions (QR link is below).

The information you provide will allow me to better understand your needs and how to best deliver my program. Survey responses will be used for program planning. Your participation is voluntary, and your responses will be confidential.

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss the survey, please feel free to contact me. My contact information is included below.

I look forward to working with you and thank you for your continued collaboration with the University of California.


Idongesit (Idong) Mokwunye (Ph.D. in Entomology)
Area IPM Entomology Advisor, Statewide IPM Program
Covering Fresno, Madera, Kings and Tulare counties
Contact info:


Invitation to Participate in a Survey on Weed Management in Perennial Specialty Crops