UCCE/CDFA cover crop survey

Are you a grower/ crop consultant working in California agricultural systems? Complete our survey to win a chance at a

$50 gift card

and help us get a better understanding of barriers and motivations associated with cover cropping in California. The first 200 respondents will be entered into a drawing to win one of ten $50 dollar gift cards.

The survey will take about 12 minutes.

Please be thoughtful and honest in your responses. This information will help us improve funding and research opportunities at the University of California and California Department of Food and Agriculture.

Don’t forget to enter your contact information when prompted at the end of the survey in order to be eligible for the drawing. Any contact information will be kept confidential.

You can opt out of the $50 gift card drawing and we’ll still very much appreciate your responses.

Use the QR code to link to the survey or enter bit.ly/UCCEcovercrops into your search bar.


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