Hosted by The UC Cooperative Extension, Merced and Madera Ag Commissioners
4 Units of DPR Continuing Education Units (1 Other, 3 Laws) pending
More information here:
Doors open at 7:30am for registration before each meeting.
8 am (LAWS)
Speaker: Colleen Murray Merced County Ag Commissioners Office
Talk: 1-Paraquat regulations update(20min) 2-BeeWhere program: protecting bees from pesticides (40min)
9 am (LAWS)
Speaker: Louie Guerra California DPR
Talk: Avoiding Pesticide Spray Drift (TreatSmart)
10 am (LAWS)
Speaker: William R. Griffin Supervising Ag/Standards Inspector Madera Co.
Talk: Making a plan for a better pesticide program
11 am
Speaker: Dr. Anthony Fulford Nutrient Mgmt & Soil Quality Advisor UCCE Stanislaus
Talk: Opportunity knocks: soil health conditions that encourage pests