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North San Joaquin Valley Almond Day

Please join us for the North San Joaquin Valley Almond Day on January 21st in Modesto, CA. We are hosting an almond day cover many topics related to almonds. While in Modesto, CA all those who are willing to make the drive are invited. It is free to attend and continuing education credits (2.5 hours) has been requested. We may even have some coffee, drinks, and snacks in the morning. See the attached flyer for the speakers and topics to be covered.

2.5 Hours of Continuing Education Credits requested

Date: January 21, 2025

Location: Modesto Centre Plaza, 1000 L Street, Modesto, CA


7:30 Coffee, donuts, and sign up for continuing education credits

8:30 Update on invasive Carpophilus truncatus beetle infestation in almond Jhalendra Rijal, PhD, IPM Entomology Advisor, UCCE North San Joaquin Valley

9:00 Advanced irrigation scheduling methods for better water efficiency and yield in almond Abdelmoneim Mohamed, PhD, Irrigation Advisor, UCCE North San Joaquin Valley

9:30 Pest management considerations when replanting an almond orchard Cameron Zuber, UCCE Farm Advisor, Merced County

10:00 – 10:20: Break

10:20 Update on Red Leaf Blotch, a new and invasive disease of almond in California Florent Trouillas, PhD, Plant Pathology CE Specialist, UC Kearney Ag Center

10:50 Burrowing rodent management in San Joaquin Valley almond orchards Roger Baldwin, PhD, CE Specialist: Human-Wildlife Conflict Resolution

11:20 Whole orchard recycling is compatible with soil fumigation and anaerobic soil disinfestation, to control replant disease and manage fertility in the next orchard Brent Holtz, PhD, UCCE Farm Advisor, San Joaquin County

11:50 Adjourn

January 14

Advances in irrigation management of orchards

February 4

2025 Madera County Almond Day